Preparing for National's Virtual SMR Event

Preparing for National's Virtual SMR Event

Speed Mentoring Roundtables Floor Plan
Since 2021, WISE National hosts an annual virtual, member-exclusive edition of the popular Speed Mentoring Roundtables event, bringing together WISE members and sports business leaders from across all chapters.

A hybrid of the executive roundtable and speed networking platforms, the event offers attendees the chance to meet, network and discuss pressing career questions with a diverse group of professionals, which may include WISE Women of the Year and WISE Executive Leadership Institute alumnae serving as "mentors."

At Speed Mentoring Roundtables, the advice you receive or connections you make just might lead to your next career advancement. But signing up for the event is only the first step in taking full advantage of this unique experience. Here are our insider tips for making the event a productive one.

What to Expect

  • Each attendee — or "mentee" — is assigned to a virtual table with several other members of similar career level. You'll receive an email with more information prior to the event.
  • The mentors will rotate through each table every 20 minutes. Each table of mentees will meet with three mentors.
  • After the conclusion of the last roundtable session, there will be time for networking with other members.

Success: Where Preparation and Opportunity Meet

Maximizing the time with the mentors and your peers is about having a plan in place:

  • Use this opportunity not only to network with the mentors, but with the peers at your table, as well. Your peers will likely have had or will have similar issues or career concerns and will be great resources.
  • Keep an open mind. Quality insights, advice and connections can come from anyone at the event — regardless of their title, company or career level.
  • Think through the questions you might have for your peers and the mentors beforehand.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Make a point to talk to several new people you haven't had conversations with before.
  • You don't have to ask questions, but the best roundtable conversations are driven by attendees. This is your time to ask questions, so make the most of it.
  • Be authentic and natural, and come ready to engage with a diverse group of attendees.

Virtual Etiquette

  • To maximize your experience and as a courtesy to other attendees, you are expected to turn your camera/video on during the roundtable sessions.
  • Be respectful of everyone's time so each person at the table can participate.
  • Earphones are recommended.
  • Mute yourself when not speaking.
  • The platform we'll be using performs best on Chrome.
  • The registration process includes completing a required questionnaire. You'll be provided with further instructions on how to navigate the event platform.

Read more about Speed Mentoring Roundtables, and to see if the chapter in your area is hosting a Speed Mentoring Roundtables of its own, visit our events calendar.