Work to be Done
Doris Burke, ESPN basketball analyst and reporter, thanked ESPN for its commitment to women's sports and programming; her dedicated family; and all the hardworking women who battled gender inequality to make her own fight easier. She also quoted two well-known figures from the world of politics: Jimmy Carter and Hilary Rodham Clinton.
In describing her reaction to Carter/s essay "Losing my Religion for Equality," in which the former president decries the sexism of his former church, Burke said, "For a man of that age, as accomplished as he is, to do that kind of self-examination and be so intrepid of spirit, to step away from part of the core of who he is - I was inspired, and it was a good reminder there is work to be done."
Burke concluded by citing Clinton's concession speech, which included the inspiring line, "and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world."